Faire l'école buissonnière
Marie, an office worker, woke up on a beautiful morning and decided that the thought of sitting through endless meetings was unbearable. Instead of going to work, she fait...
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Être faux jeton
If you’ve ever tuned into a political debate, you’ve probably seen your fair share of faux jetons, and spoiler alert: it's not a good thing. Picture this: a politician who is...
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Tomber à pic
You are at a party, desperately trying to avoid that overly enthusiastic acquaintance who insists on sharing their vacation photos. Just as you feel cornered by that...
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Être à cheval sur...
The French expression être à cheval sur quelque chose translates literally to "being on horseback about something." As you may guess, however, its idiomatic meaning has...
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Dire ses 4 vérités
You're having friends for dinner at your house. Your best friend, who's always fashionably late, strolls in an hour after everyone else has finished the appetizers. You decide...
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Ruer dans les brancards
Imagine a mischievous donkey named Pierre in a French countryside village. Pierre, with a sly twinkle in his eye, decides one day that he's had enough of pulling carts. He...
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Un secret de Polichinelle
Have you ever heard Polichinelle's, a.k.a. Punch's secret? If you have, then you are not the only one! Chance is, everyone else has. Un secret de Polichinelle is like that...
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Avoir les dents longues
When the French say someone "has long teeth," they're not suggesting a trip to the orthodontist but rather painting a vivid picture of ambition that could take a bite out of...
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